Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yes, an aquarium.

Most people think of aquariums as something for kids bedrooms.

Then there are those, who conjure up images of doctor's offices or restaurants.

Others see them as their own personal space, there to relax and enjoy.

My earliest memories from childhood had an aquarium in them. Back then, it was a small little 10 gallon sucker with fish that seemed to die weekly.

Trips to the fish store were common. And fun.

Then, Christmas. I was about 8 or 9. I recall there was not much under the tree for me that particular year, when my parents told me to look behind us in the corner. There was a rather large (30 gallon, I believe) hexagon tank.

Wasn't exactly what I had pictured for Christmas. In fact, I remember telling myself to smile and be nice and 'like it' at the time.

Looking back, it was the second most influential Christmas gift I ever got. (First being one of those tesla coil lighting balls, just look what IT started)

Through that aquarium, I learned all about ecosystems, the birds and the bees, and got myself through plenty of sleepless nights. Just turn on that light and watch the fish for a while.

Angels and tetras were the standard occupants back then.

Then I got married and moved out. For more than a year, I was without a tank in our apartment. Moving into our first house, my wife was opposed to the idea of fish in the house. Tanks are dirty, they stink, etc. We were given a 20 gallon one free, and I let her decorate it and pick the fish. From there, she was hooked.

And, at a going out of business sale, we picked up a 30 gallon show tank. This is what began my modern appreciation of aquariums. We set it up right in the living room, and I found some bargain bin Cichlids to go in it.

It became a talking point for visitors, shocked to see colorful fish in a clean tank, without all the piles of salt and chemicals they expected to see, or the smell of saltwater. It spawned at least 4 others to start tanks of their own. (some of them multiple large tanks) I'ld get questions nearly every day on how to set up the tank, or why their fish were doing whatever.

When we moved into our current house, we were given an 80 gallon tank.

Once we decided to put this in the front room, first thing anyone coming into the house would see, I approached it from the beginning as not so much an aquarium as it was to be a piece of art.

Sparing nothing, I actually shipped in half the fish from Ohio (very nervously) as we couldn't find what I had decided on locally.

From Aquarium

Finally, we had our little piece of art, that was the talk of everyone that came in the door.

From Aquarium

We even flushed the market with hundred of babies from the imported fish. Giving them away, selling them, trading them into pet stores, you name it.

Hundreds of little ones.

From Aquarium

Perhaps it's only coincidence that you can find those fish in EVERY petstore around here these days?

Then came last summer. We were re-doing the floors in hardwood. Time to take down that fishtank.

Now it's time to start again...

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