Sunday, January 18, 2009


Our current list of denizens.

I'll go into what all is going wrong on a later post...

First we have the "eclipse cat".

I've long believed in getting your catfish first. They are hardy, and the staple of keeping the tank cleaned. PetSmart had these guys listed as "eclipse cats", and they were picked first due to not having decided on the rest of the denizens at that time, I needed something that might be in there with some really aggressive fish and hold it's own.

From Aquarium

Next up came the Paradise fish.

These were a lucky find. Originally intending to go a much different route with the tank, after some Ph tests made me determine I'ld rather not be fighting that battle with the water every time we clean, I was pleasantly surprised to find the Paradise fish not only readily available, but VERY affordable. Among the first tropical fish ever exported from Asia, they fit right in with the house as a whole. We have been a bit negligent at getting some shrimp to better bring out their orange and red coloring, next time we're at the store...

From Aquarium

From Aquarium

Then, the most recent additions came from a trip to the very south of Salt Lake. (12300 south!!!)

First, some of the kid's favorites...

Can you find the Khuli Loaches???

From Aquarium

And finally, what was, at one time, the holy grail of angels...

BLACK long finned angels. These guys right now are being skittish. It was an interesting store we bought these from. Vast numbers of tanks of all kinds of oddballs, and in part to maximize the selection, none had lights...

So the angels are a bit light shy, and try to hide whenever I turn the tank light on. They do eventually get used to it, but we're hoping a couple days of the routine here get's them acting more like angels are prone to.

From Aquarium

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