Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New additions.

Many changes since the last update.

Foremost, is the addition of some Lamp Eye Tetras (aka Red Eye Tetras).

From An UnOrthOdOx Aquarium

These guys just together and flit from one side of the tank to the other and back. Not as small as some Tetras, so as to not be seen as food, the Paradise Fish have so far reacted by curbing all agressive behavior, and are clearly unsure how to handle the shoal.

From An UnOrthOdOx Aquarium

We've also added a number of new plants, and a bubble wall. The tetras love the bubble wall, and are often seen playing in it. So do the plecos, it seems. We even had a snail playing in the bubble wall for a while.

From An UnOrthOdOx Aquarium

Speaking of the plecos, the ugly brown algae (always first to a new tank, it seems) has been replaced by the hair algae stuff. The Plecos don't seem to care, and are munching on it all. Next is the green algae most people actually think of when you say 'algae'. All actually promising, and indications of a healthy environment.

Speaking of Healthy, those darn Khuli Loaches... Hide and seek is a normal game with them, but I was thuroughly unprepared to have one living in the aquarium FILTER when I cleaned this weekend. Caught her and tossed her back in the tank. But, I think it may have been a few babies I saw get down the drain before I could catch them...


  1. Love the tetras. I have always like the fish that school together. I miss my aquarium so much. Thanks for letting me have one through this.

  2. Love the tetras. I have always liked fish that school together. I miss my aquarium so much. Thanks for letting me enjoy one through you guys.
